Saturday, February 27, 2010


What have I been up to lately....???

Come on over and have a look and become a Fan...

I've set myself up on
madeit and Facebook

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Update on my son

So we are having a breakthrough at school!

No Time Out and no points lost for 3 days in a row!! How exciting! The teacher is relieved and I am too. Hopefully he can keep it up....

We have told him there is a treat for 5 days in a row.

So...any ideas?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

That feeling.

You know that feeling you get when you suddenly think you have taken on more than you can chew? Well I got that feeling.

So I have decided to postpone my Tupperware career until June, when hopefully life will be slightly less crazy.

And after making that call....I felt so much I could breathe again. Ah.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Check out Scurrette!

Oooh I love a giveaway so head on over to Scurrette's Blog and check out her totally devine clothes!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My new adventure

It's the T word.


Yes some might say I'm crazy, but I'm giving it a go. I am looking for something else to do and this seems like a good thing to try. Time will tell. I am actually quite excited by it.

So...if anyone is after Tupperware give me a call!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Son

Well here we are on Day 11 of Prep and what a ride so far. On Day 9 I got a call from his Teacher to chat about his behaviour. Imagine my reaction then when I arrive at school to collect him and am told that he spent the last session in the Principals office with another boy.

Wow....I felt sad, upset, embarrassed and totally at a loss with my parenting skills.
It's days and weeks like these that I struggle to like my son. Yes I love him...but at the moment I am finding it hard to like him. He can be such a charmer sometimes, kind and helpful...but all I see now is the naughty him...the tired, tantrum throwing boy who is rude to his mother. And he's only 5.

I don't want him to end up as the child who is left out at school because the other kids don't like him, or missing out on parties because they don't want him there. I need to like him more...and in liking him more...I am sure I will love him more too and when i love him more........ it just goes round doesn't it.

So how do I like him more?

Today was Day 11 and it was better at school today. The teacher said you could really see that he was trying all day and only got Time Out once in the afternoon. So that's a start.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Our Market Co-op...

Feel free to add us to your blog rolls, start to follow us, keep an eye out for us at the markets!
We are a group of ladies who love to chat. Who love to sew. Who love to craft. Who love to chat. We don't gossip. But, we are ...
A Gossip of Women
Check us out!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Dentist

Well my morning was meant to be spent doing some washing and cleaning up around the house but so far it has not happened!

No...instead I have been spending money...far too much money.

All because of a trip to the dentist. I lost the back of my wisdom tooth this morning and luckily for me (I think) I was able to get in straight away after I finished the Prep and Kindy run. So an hour later with a numb cheek and lips I am home, with a much lighter bank account. Gah I hate dentists.

So .... my house is still a shambles this morning after all my good intentions. Oh well...there is always tomorrow!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Welcome to The Shamble Inn

Welcome to The Shamble Inn. My very first blog. I named it thus as it is a very good description of my life in general most days! I am not sure what will be blogged about but I have a few big and exciting things that will be happening in my life this year which will keep me busy and therefore I am sure give me lots to post about.

I am a very busy wife and mum. I have 3 children...Boy 1 (J) is 5yrs old and has started Prep this year. Boy 2 (L) is 3.5 yrs old and is at Kindy. Girl 1 (C) is nearly 1 and is just a delight to have at home. I am sure you will get to know my3lovelies very well over time.

I like to bake, read, sew, eat.....but not clean. I hope to show you some of my creations soon.